Making Daily Progress

That good ole’ hamster wheel

by Stephanie Womack on July 27, 2023

Some professionals feel like if they do not have a full to-do list from top to bottom, then they really aren’t doing anything. Can you imagine being busy for an entire day and getting nothing important done?! You might be wondering if it is even possible. It is.

Happens all of the time.

If you start moving without complete clarity of what you are trying to accomplish, then you become the human on the hamster wheel, running until you are out of breath, remaining in the same spot you started in.

You have only become effective at making yourself tired and stressed out.

Quality over quantity, my fellow professionals. Your tasks are not an exception to the rule. There might be a temporary feeling of accomplishment as you begin to check off the many items you have chosen to pay attention to. Then reality sets in once it is realized that so much time has been spent, and there are still very important tasks that should have been completed.

So, how can this be remedied?

1.) GOALS!  First and foremost, be absolute about what you are trying to accomplish. Be in the moment, and focus. If you are trying to do ten things at once, not only will you spread yourself thin, but you will be putting yourself right back on that wheel. Make a measurable goal that is easy to articulate.

2.) Make plans that support your goals. If your goal is to increase your revenue by say $20,000, then you have to identify activities that support that objective. This may include raising your prices, more networking and bringing in more customers, writing a newsletter, or maybe even more public speaking or advertising.

This is very important, because this is where you will be spending that quality time.

3.) Track your success. If increasing your revenue means networking more, writing a newsletter, or investing in more advertising, then it is important to keep track of it. Sometimes reviewing a spreadsheet after starting one can help us to notice patterns and make changes to our routine if need be. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an excel spreadsheet. You can also use apps like Evernote, or even Google Keep, to take notes.

4.) That word ‘no’. Do not be afraid to use it. When, not if, those requests come in that do not align with your goals, it is very important to say no. That goes for yourself too. Do not get in your own way, by coming up with ideas that remove you mentally and physically from your objective.

Do your planning in quiet, away from day-to-day activities. Be consistent and stick to it even when you do not feel like it. 

So please, make that to-do list of quality, and stay off of that hamster wheel!

Quote of the day

“And I can change. I can live out of my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past. I can become my own first creator.” 

This quote came from, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. Right now, this is one of my absolute favorite self-help books. The second habit is to begin with the end in mind. See it first. Then make it happen. Visualization then application. When I create things in my mind, I can honestly say that when it is time to carry out the action, it’s a lot easier, smoother. Try it if you haven’t already!

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