Making Daily Progress

Staying out of the spam folder

by Stephanie Womack on August 16, 2023

Day in and day out, social media receives all of the praise and accolades. Truth be told, it is the e-mail that really gets the job done. 

If you own a small business, I am sure you have taken advantage of this wonderful tool. However, there remains one thing that is often overlooked, and that is not paying attention to how you come across when sending e-mails to other people.

There are 2 very big mistakes I have seen many times over the years.

1.) A generic or unrecognizable ‘from’ line. One issue with the ‘from’ line is just having an e-mail address in it. If your name is a part of it, then that is ok. However, if your e-mail is something like, that would not be ok. One solution would be first and last name | company name. I have my first and last name, followed by my company name, which will help one recognize who I am. I use the vertical separator (‘|’) in between my name and company, which you will find near the top right of your keyboard.

2.) Not using a custom domain. If you own a domain, then you have the ability to create an e-mail address from it. ( Unfortunately I frequently see e-mails from solo professionals and small business owners who use Gmail, Verizon, Comcast or Yahoo to act as their domain. (

Not only does this approach fail to paint you as a 
consummate professional, it also represents a missed opportunity to help people find your website. When you have an e-mail address that uses your custom domain, you are always advertising your company, as well as where it can be found on the internet.

E-mail is an important aspect of all of our businesses. Polishing up your approach will yield many benefits, including staying out of the spam folder, or getting deleted.

Quote of the day

“It is also often wise to pay the full price–there is no cutting corners with excellence.”

DESPISE THE FREE LUNCH, the 40th law of the 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene. 

We can get sliced cutting some of these corners, and bleed out a lot of time, energy and sometimes money when we could have taken the correct route from the beginning.

I speak from experience of course. Having learned from past mistakes, I have recognized the long game is not in the short cuts.     

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to talk to me about your business.


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